Christian Science Sunday School
@ 10 am
For children and teens up to the age of 20
Sunday school has returned to in-person classes. Walk-ins welcome or email the clerk for more info:
Child Care
Child care is provided for infants and toddlers during the Sunday school hour. Child care attendants are parents of current Sunday school students.
Sunday School Curriculum
The Sunday School curriculum is centered around the study of the Bible. The younger classes are taught the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount, along with many other Bible stories.
Older students continue their Bible study while learning how prayer is a practical way to see and feel the presence of God in their lives.
Sunday School Teachers
Sunday School is taught by church members and parents of current Sunday school students who are experienced Christian Scientists. The Sunday school is here to serve the community and all are welcome to attend!
Articles for kids and teens
For Kids
Which thoughts are God’s thoughts?
by Annette Kreutziger-Herr from the JANUARY 6, 2020 ISSUE of the Christian Science Sentinel
Every moment of every day we each have lots of thoughts. Nice thoughts that make us feel happy and loved. And sometimes thoughts that aren’t so nice. How do you know which thoughts are God’s thoughts?
In the Bible, God says, “I know the thoughts that I think toward you,… thoughts of peace, and not of evil” (Jeremiah 29:11).
These good thoughts coming from God will never stop. They are everywhere, and they are powerful, because God’s thoughts are real. They make us feel loved and safe. They keep us kind and healthy.
Thoughts that make us feel bad are not God’s thoughts, and they are not our friends. If thoughts are not from Love, God, they are not kind and good, and we don’t have to listen to them.
You know thoughts are from God, Love, when they feel
curious, like a little fox
quiet, like someone listening
generous, like wanting to share
sure, like a promise kept
beautiful, like a reflection in a pond
comfy, like a warm blanket
happy, like a day by the sea
grand, like the big mountains
swift, like a bird flying high
humorous, like a butterfly on a frog
harmonious, like people singing
healing, like a heart saying “yes!”
You can listen for God’s thoughts and feel God’s love every day!
For Teens
What to do if you’re feeling lonely
by Lizzie Witney from the MAY 25, 2020 ISSUE of the Christian Science Sentinel
I’m not sure how much more I can take. It had been almost a week since I’d seen anyone, and the isolation was really starting to get to me. Worse, because I work alone from home and my friends live too far away for me to see them on weeknights, this state of things was my “normal.” When I’d start to think about the days and months ahead, filled with more hours alone, I was overwhelmed with dread and anxiety.
It felt like a life of isolation was mapped out ahead of me, and I couldn’t see a way out. But one day, as I was grappling with these feelings, I had a realization. While all the things that companionship represents—love, joy, union, support—seem to come from people, they really come right from God. This realization was based on what I’d learned from reading the Bible: that “God is love” (I John 4:8). From studying Christian Science, I’d also learned that Love, God, is infinite—the source of all real love. So while each of us does express love, this love isn’t sourced in us or our friends and family, but in God. Love actually transcends time and space and any other limitations—like whether or not we’re with people who care about us.
Knowing that good comes from God and isn’t limited to my interactions with others brought me the most relief I’d felt in a long time. I was starting to see some light in what had felt like a very dark situation. It also occurred to me that since God is always present, love, joy, support, and so on must also always be present. These qualities were built into my experience, and so they’d always been with me, and always would be.
I stopped being angry about the situation, which meant that right away I was more receptive to God’s love. I also started to feel more peaceful about the long hours I’d be spending alone. The feeling of loneliness eased.
I realized that a tangible expression of the love I was newly perceiving was also right and natural. I didn’t have to outline what it would look like. But I could be ready to hear God’s guidance, and in the meantime, I also felt confident that I could enjoy each day.
Even though my schedule hadn’t changed, over the next few days, I had a renewed feeling of enthusiasm for each day, and I no longer felt so alone. The following weekend, I woke up with the thought that I should go get a cat from a local rescue shelter. The message was super clear—almost as if it would be silly not to go and get one! Misty has been a practical expression of companionship that I hadn’t thought would be possible. And loving her has given me a new appreciation for the way our love for others also helps us feel loved and less alone.