Healed of Breathing Problem and Chest Pressure
by Joan Ware in the May 10, 2021 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
One day in March 2020 when I was riding to town with my husband to do an errand, I suddenly became unable to breathe. Unable to speak and very frightened, I reached out to God for help.
Immediately, two statements came to thought: “God is my Life” and “Get behind me, Satan.” As I silently repeated these words, I listened to them deeply until the truth they conveyed became more real to me than the fear.
I knew that because omnipotent God is Life, death has no power, no presence, no reality. I also knew that when Christ Jesus declared that the devil is a liar and the father of lies, he was rebuking the belief that evil is a reality. The Master demonstrated complete authority over the false belief in a destructive evil source, and he taught his followers to do the same.
In siding with God as eternal Life, I lost my fear of death. I knew that despite what the physical senses were reporting, I was then, and always would be, the expression of Life. As my fear diminished, I was able to breathe freely again, and that was the end of the difficulty.
Several weeks later, a different problem came up. One evening it felt as though I had a huge weight pressing on my chest. I spent much of that night in deep prayer, pondering several familiar Bible passages, including this one: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear” (I John 4:18). And I used various Bible-based synonyms for God in pondering that last idea: God is perfect Love, God is perfect Life, God is perfect Truth, God is perfect Spirit, and so on. Comforting hymns from the Christian Science Hymnal were also a great inspiration.
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