
A Poem by Lona Ingwerson

We love our grocery stores, 
our department stores,
our parks and playgrounds, 
our residences.
Nice places.
when we seek a refuge,
a truly safe place,
a fortress that gives us protection,
we go to God.​
​Although we can go to God
in the calm of our thought,
there is actually a place where we can go
to quietly pray, to hear the Word of God spoken and sung
in a way that awakens our understanding—
in a way that brings true healing.
It is a physical and spiritual refuge,
a fortress: our Church of Christ, Scientist,
elevating thought to higher realms,
rousing spiritual understanding. 
Wouldn’t we want to regularly be in this place
that proves the healing power of prayer?

From the January 26, 2024 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel


Video Lecture: Can Spiritual Perception Bring Healing?


Loving Others, No Matter What